
What is Cromwell?


When a dead body is desiccated in a video game, usually associated with online multiplayer. Similar to acts such as "Tea-bagging" but usually much more violent such as decapitation,gibbing, setting afire, etc. Easiest to perform in games that allows further destruction of dead bodies, notably Gears of War.

The word refers to Oliver Cromwell, who was decapitated by the British monarchy two years after his death.

N00B_Pwnz3r shouted, "Cromwell!" and promptly proceeded to gib the dead body of a noob with his shotgun.

See tbag, tea-bagging, tea, bagging, baggin, dead, video, game, online, multiplayer, cromwell, d-bag, d-baggery, douche, noob, pwn, own


The shittiest town in America. a littel hick-ass town in connecticut full of losers and hippies. anyone from cromwell is a fucking loser and should be beaten up. they all smoke drugs and fuck their siblings.

Hick/Hippie loser: I'm from cromwell!

Normal person: You're a fucking loser.

See shit, hippy, whores, disgusting, losers, terrible


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