
What is Croner?


Croner: Crooked Boner. An erection will magnify and amplify the curvature of your dong. This can make penetration very difficult and painful. However, my sexual philsophy is "no pain, no gain."

I saw this hot chick and my dong ballooned like a muh fucka. Unfortunately, due to being repeatedly kicked in my penis, it bent into my anus.


The frequently used term "crooked erection" became inefficient and therefore had to be shortened into croner (crooked boner). Croner also refers to any object that resembles a crooked erection/phallus.

"Someone threw a rock at my groin when I was a kid and now I have a croner."

"That ogre carries his croner club every where he goes."

"If you come near me, I will beat you down with my croner."


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