
What is Crono?


A no talk, badass swordsman who cut up a giant porcupine named Lavos with his ninja steel. Afterwards, he got a huge hard-on and boned Marle, Lucca, and Ayla while Magus watched.

Crono scores with his ninja steel yet again!


The main character from Chrono Trigger who destroyed the destroyer of the planet (Lavos). He uses swords, katanas, and a swallow.

Frog: Crono, you hath potential to be a good swordsman!

See Nick


1. Bad-ass mute with red Spikey/Punk hair.

2. Swordsman (Guy that will cut you and make you bleed)

"Man, Crono popped the King's daughter and got away Scot-Free..."


1) The One and Only

2) Badass spellsword from Chrono Trigger who never speaks

3) Really bad spelling for chrono, which means time

4) Badass Sim Battler from many message boards who can't shut up

Crono: My name's spelled "Crono", damnit, not "Chrono"!!!

See Crono


a red swordman who got rigged twice in a gamefaqs character contest versus the plumber known as Mario.

Damn it...Mario lost to Crono!

See maplejet


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