
What is Croon?


To speak, sing, moan, or hum in a soft, gentle, intimate, soothing, or murmuring manner, particularly when adapting to an amplification system or using an echoing effect.

The mother was crooning over the sick child to help her fall asleep.

See Steven


To sing with honey in your voice; often used at the end of 80's songs--the music fades out, the crooning does not.

El Debarge, from the early 80's motown group Debarge, really knew how to croon.


to sing sentimentally- a word originating from 50's dialect.

She crooned to baby to help him sleep.

See singing, sing, silent, crun, croom


It means your going to try and flirt or chat up somebody, try and get jiggy with. Sexual term

Mate, are you crooning that? she is fit!

Crooning session?

See fit, chirpse, chat, sex, kiss


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