Crop Circle

What is Crop Circle?


flaming flatuents that scorch the earth (not like solar lighting)

OMG! The S.S. Sordo crop circled all over this area causing mass destruction, confusion and nausea.

Alert Everyone!

See fart, crops


puerto rican bald spot.

crop circle,bald,chrome dome,hairless, bald headed,baldy

See baldy, bald headed, twidget


Farting while walking in a circle around someone.

Two people sit on a couch, one farts and walks around the other person on the couch. Therefore creating a crop circle.

See fart, crop, circle, poop, jizz


similar to crop dusting when you fart while walking, crop circling is when you fart while walking through revolving doors

"I totally crop circled that old lady behind me walking out of the bank."

See crop dusting, farting, flatulence, smelly, poop, butthole


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