
What is Croquaine?


A combination of two fine (though sometimes elitist) pastimes: playing croquet and insufflating cocaine. Paradoxically considered an extravagant way to enjoy the effects of the drug and a degenerate way to play the game, this sport attracts a small, unique membership dedicated to exploring the possibilities of this extreme sport.

1) Sir Reginald lost the game of croquaine because he was too coked up to get the ball through the wicket.

2) I don't play croquaine with Lord Byron anymore; last time he got pissed off when I sent his ball away and kicked my ass in a coked-out rage.

See cocaine, croquet, extreme sports, elite, game, insanity, badass, drugs, fun, crocaine


Playing croquet on cocaine

Wanna get into croquaine?

See cocaine, croquet, croquaine, sports, drugs


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