
What is Crossbreed?



Musically speaking: a Crossbreed is the coming together of two seemingly opposite styles, usually Hiphop/Rap crossing with another genre. A kind of Crossbreed commonly seen is a Wemo(see Wemo Kid). A Crossbreed can be Hiphop crossing Country (ie. Big n' Rich), Rock (ie. Beastie Boys, Limp Bizkit), Punk (ie. The Transplants) or Metal/Hardcore (ie E. Town Concrete)

Personally Speaking: a Crossbreed is someone who listens to said Crossbreed music(see above). Style of Crossbreed can be one of two: Open crossbreeds, someone that is open about the crossing of genres, like Wemo Kids(see Wemo Kid). and Closet Crossbreeds, much more common, someone that looks Punk/Rock/Counrty but secretly listens to Hiphop, and Vice-Versa Someone that looks Hiphop can listen to Punk/Rock/Country secretly.

*Can be used as a little known insult.

"so-and-so" is a Crossbreed, she looks Gothic but she only listen to Marilyn Manson, the rest is Chingy and Ludacris

Big n Rich are Crossbreed music!

*Hahaha your such an effing crossbreed!

See poser, emo, emo kid


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