
What is Cross-dressing?


The act of one dressing up as the gender that they do not normally find themselves living as. This is done usually as a hobby, in order to live out fantasies, for drag shows/parties, or for sexualexcitement. Oh and just to make it clear; TRANSSEXUALS DO NOT CROSS-DRESS, AND CROSS-DRESSERS AREN'T NECESSARILY LGBT!!!!!!

Cory: Hey Ari, just curious; between you and me, have you ever found your brother Josh cross-dressing? I mean he's so effeminate like I would bet 100 hundred dollars that he cross-dresses. I mean let's shake on it now.

Ari: (Takes hand)...that was a stupid bet Cory, guess what, she doesn't cross-dress.

Cory: SHE!!!!!

Ari: Yes, I'll apologize to her later for telling you that but Jessica, not Josh, is a transsexual who isn't out yet, and yes she wears woman's clothes all the time, but it isn't cross-dressing. For the last 3 months she's refused to wear boxers, Vicky's Secret Panties only.

Cory: That's cross-dressing you cheapscape!!!!

Ari: According to slangdefine it's not.

Cory: Fack!!!!!

See gender, hobby, fantasy, drag, sexual, lgbt


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