
What is Crossed?


To be under the influence of alcohol and marijuana at the same time. Usually occurs at parties or with a group of friends. Short for crossfaded.

1. "I don't know about you bro, but being crossed is the best!"

2. "Damn dude you look crossed!"

"Yea man... 2 shots, 5 games of beerpong, and a giant rip fucked me up!"

See crossfade, crossfaded, trashed, smashed, fucked-up, ripped, stoned, baked, high, drunk


When you're ill-tempered (angry, pissed, annoyed, etc).

Teacher: I'm so crossed today, class. Please don't make me cross at either of you because I'll suspend you, really.

Student: I'm sure you won't be cross at me, miss. :)

Teacher: Thanks, darlin'.

See angry, cross, annoyed, piss, mad


when e person a crossover dribble and the person gaurding them either falls or goes in he opposite direction

Hotsauce crossed the hell out that nigga


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