Crotch Candy

What is Crotch Candy?


a sweet and delicious-looking crotch of a girl; usually referring to cameltoe

timmy: so what do u wanna do?

paulie: shut up i'm entralled by that crotch candy over there.

See candy, crotch, skittles, m&ms, chocolate, sweet, cameltoe, yummy, scrumptious, sugar, sugary, edible, tasty, delicious, pussy, cunt, vagina


The description of a woman/girl who is not hot enough to be Arm Candy, but is still fun to sleep with.

I've been hanging out with this killer crotch candy, but she's kind of fugly.

See hottie, gold digger, fugly, lady, date


When you're eating candy while sitting down and drop a piece in your crotch and still eat it anyway, that is crotch candy.

In the car:

Billy: Hey Timmy, you dropped some of that candy in your crotch.

Timmy looks down, sees the candy, and eats it.

Timmy: Man, that was some good crotch candy!

Billy: Hey, make me some!

See crotch, candy, nasty, delicious, lethal


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