Crotch Cricket

What is Crotch Cricket?


A pubic louse.

I'mo gonna give dat biotch da kobe special if i found out she gave me crotch crickets.

See 50 cent crack dealer


A louse.

A cootie.

A small creature that lives in pubic hair and which moves from person to person at every 0pportunity.

Elspeth has a splendid herd of crotch crickets.

See pubic hair, cootie, louse, flop house, infestation


A louse

A Crab

A tick

A small tick-like annoying pest that lives in pubic hair, and has a parasitic relationship with the human body.

Man I got so shit-faced last night. I don't remember a thing. However, i'm guessing a had sex because i woke up with a few nasty crotch crickets on my pubes.

See crotch, cricket, crotch cricket, sex, crabs, crab, lice, flea, fleas, std, fuck, louse, tick, ticks, ass, bitch, whore, porn, blowjob, boob, boobs


same meaning of the word crabs

Dirty women give you crotch crickets.

See crabs, nuts, balls, hate, love


That skanky girl at the office who sleeps around with everyone thinking that it will help her career.

Dude, I hear that Marissa is sleeping her way through the executive board. She's such a damn crotch cricket.


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