Crotch Waffle

What is Crotch Waffle?


A set of long stretched out vagina lips, that often belong to a woman with loose morals. It is often referred to as a camel toe. Can also refer to a woman who may very likely have a crotch waffle.

1.Check out the crotch waffle on that nasty ho!

2.Look at the crotch waffle sitting on the bench over there!


Dried flattened pop that's been trapped between your butt cheeks.

A frat boy called Crotch Waffle after the previously departed dude he reminded someone of, also named....Croth Waffle.

A sailor unfortunate enough to mention to a shipmate he was called "Croth Waffle" in college. Not to worry though, it mercifully got shortened to "Hey, Crotch!"

Also...."Uncle Wally"

Hey, Crotch Waffle!

See crotch, waffle, wally, compliment, poo


A crusty pair of underwear, caused by discharge drying onto them. Usually used to insult an idiot.

"WTF, you crotch waffle, stop hitting on my sister."


"That crotch waffle kept rubbing his junk on the women at the bar."

See ass hat, smooth operator, dude, cool, nice


When a man attempts to dry out his moist grundle by blasting Gold Bonds medicated power into his humid pouch. The caked humidity is far often too great usually resulting in the thick crotch waffle falling out his short or pant leg.

John used too much Gold Bonds...While going for a lay-up, a crotch waffle rolled out on to the court

See crotch, grundle, sack, balls


an old stinky, used douchebag

I'm going to toss a crotch waffle at your face!

See douchebag, doucher, douching, douche, deuche


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