
What is Crousti?



Short for " croustillant "

Said of someone or something that is insanely hot.

Being crousti is a state of mind, a staggering way of acting nonchalant and composed. That under any circumstances.

Can be used at anytime, from grocery shopping at Target to reading I-D while eating pinkberry.

Antonym : fat britney, poor thing, assistant

" Britney is so crousti these days "

" OMG, i know "


" Hot D. got fat... that's so not crousti "


" Mary, has the croustiest vagina "


" the last episode from the hills was so crousti"


" Mariah just did the croustiest sound check ear-finger touch "


" Lindsay's rehab was so not crousti, full of nobodies... i feel so sorry for her "

See that's hot, cool, britney spears, mariah carey, nicole richie, lindsay lohan


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