
What is Crowning?


When the excrement in one's anus cannot be contained any longer and it starts pushing open the sphincter. Probably related to childbirth where the top of the baby's head (the crown) is first visable as it emerges from the vagina.

"OMG I'm crowning so bad it's like I've got a turtle neck hanging from my ass..."


- the state of being very close to having to discharge fecal excrement, similiar to the state of "crowning" when giving birth. To reach this state, the turtle must be poking his head out.

"Dude, I'm crowning so bad I think I just baked a hashbrown in my underbritches"

"I have to snap a duece so bad that I'm crowning...can you smell it?"

See percolating, hashbrown, poopie, pooping, cramping, taking the browns to the super bowl


Having an intense need to defecate.

Mike was crowning, it was a tough decision between dropping a chalupa in the woods with no toilet paper, or waiting for the comforts of an outhouse three miles ahead.

See ground hogging, turtle head, diarhea, shit, bathroom


synonoumous with "poking cotton" or "turtling"

I need to take a dump real bad, I'm crowning


when shit in your asshole builds up when you have to take a shit really bad.

See ben


To "crown" as in sit on top of someone’s head and fart on them... presumably when they are asleep.

"Yo, I just gave Bucky a crowning!"


To skeeton top of your partner's head.

I saw this gay dood crowning his partner on his bald spot.

So this chick was giving me head when all of a sudden I pulled out and crowned the bitch.

See skeet, head, jizz, cum, ejaculate


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