What is Crumbum?
The same kind of 'Fat cat'. Meaning a person became rich in wealth by leeching on poorers.
They are mostly White, Republican, and upper-middle age. The most infamous of all, Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney, currently the Vice President of the United State of American(aka Advisor of Halliburton). Running our puppet President on a leash like his own personal bitch.
Jon Stewart of The Daily Show: Fat cats and Crumbums
Fat cat is slang term which describes a rich, greedy person who, due to ownership of large amounts of capital, is able to "live easy" off the work of others. Often, those labeled "fat cats" will reap a sustantial financial gain from a business, while the business itself, and the people who are employed by it, do not. The term is also sometimes used to refer disparagingly to wealthy contributors to a political campaign. The term stems off from the fact that since rich people can buy a lot of food, they both tend to resemble each other, the owner and the cat, in girth of waist, haughtiness, and a holier-than-thou attitude.
-Courtesy of Wikipedia-
a person who acts like they are homeless are not necessarily living on the street.
John: I just gave jen some cash she said she doesnt know where she is sleeping at tonight.
Steve: thats wierd cus she lives with her parents.
John: what a fuckin crumbum
A random piece of debris and or food particle which accumulate in a confined area, and then, without your acknowledgment, fall into something in which you do not wish it to fall into
ex 1: shit, my grapey juice has crumbums in it..motherfucker left the lid off the juice jug.
a person with crums in their bum
Derek, you are a crumbum!
Poor person who claims too much benefit and spensd it all on drugs, prior to robbing the local petrol station.
The crumbum was found underneath the bridge with a porno mag, bottle of cider and empty bottlebag.
1)Eating cookies or toast over someones ass.
2)A fucking moron; a Douche
I apologize for the CrumBum last night.