
What is Crumperture?


A game daily played by bored office workers sitting in their office blocks.

This game is played with two people.

One willing and one not.

We will call the willing Team A

we will call non willing Team B

Team A waits for the perfect time. The busiest hour of the day where all office blocks are quite. (It is important to have from 30-100 ripped out papers available). Once there is complete quite Team A repeatedly takes out a paper and crumbles it as loudly and awkwardly as possible. Team B will either get curious or greatly annoyed by the 15th paper. Team A scoring is as follows

1 point- Team B kindly asks them to stop

2 points- Team B asks them to stop in a rather demanding tone

3 points- Team B tells them to stop.

ex: Stop!

5 points- They are warned to stop

ex: I swear to god dennis if you dont stop

7 points- They are screamed at

ex: You lousy motherfucker stop that shit!

10 points- If they are physically abused

ex: One more fucking time dennis and i'll bash your head in :reaches over and chockes team a:

Auto win: If Team B quits job

If Team A gets too 30 points they win

If Team B ignores Team A, Team B auto wins because Team A did not get any points.

If Team A gets more than no points but less than thirty nobody wins.

Hypothetically Team A always wins. Cause its cool like that.

Winner gets satisfaction.

" Stop that shit Jimmy Fuck this shit i quite"

"Haha! I jsut fucking won?"

"what?""Oh shit!""Fine man you won this time"

thats crumperture for you!

See office, annoying, game, on


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