Crunk Juggalator

What is Crunk Juggalator?


Main Entry: krunk jug-a-late-or

Variant(s): krunk jug-a-late-ah

Function: Noun

1a: one who performs tricks or acts of sex or lust b: one skilled in keeping alcoholic objects in motion from hand to mouth nonstop until passing out.

2: one who manipulates especially in order to knock motherfuckers out and kick their face in with no sympothy.

Im a Crunk Juggalator!

Check out the song: Crunk Juggalator

See crunk, drunk, high, skeen


Main Entry: krunk jug-a-late-or

Variant(s): krunk jug-a-late-ah

Function: Noun

1a: one who performs tricks or acts of sex or lust b: one skilled in keeping alcoholic objects in motion from hand to mouth nonstop until passing out.

2: one who manipulates especially in order to knock motherfuckersout and kick their face in with no sympothy.


Check out the song: Crunk Juggalator

See crunk, skeen


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