
What is Crustache?


a mustache that is so ingrained with white trash DNA, it grows in weak, with only a small number of thin hairs as compared to a normal mustache. I.E.-Cletus the slack-jawwed yokel has a crustache.

Like my crustache?


The pathetic looking prepubescent mustache sported by boy bands and male high school students intended to impress women, while drawing only jeers and snickers. See peach fuzz.

Zach's dad finally made him Nair his crustache, he looked like a queer!


A poorly grown mustache that accurs from lack of motivation to shave.

Also present on boys entering puberty. In which case it is grown to the fullest extent and shown off to there peers.

"dude did see tommy's crustache it totally awesome." "i cant wait for mine to grow in."

"hes kinda cute but whats with the crustache."

"nice crustashe lazy ass."

See mustache, puberty, shave, lazy, crust


See also: six-stringer (which is also related to comb overs)

those inbred white trash kids who were harassing that fey guy were both sporting crustaches - go figure


A term invented by Bobby Veto to describe the dried remnants left in a mustache after you've performed oral sex on a woman. A crusty mustache.

I had to put Saran wrap on my upper-lip before I took a shower so it wouldn't ruin my crustache.

See mustache, oral sex, crusty


When guys get food stuck in their mustache and leave it there

"eww, go clean your crustache"

See crusty, mustache


A "moustache" of dried blood and snot, often peppered with boogers. Worn mainly by children under five years.

"Hollis! You are not going to church wearing a crustache!"

See gross, awesome, badass, nerd


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