Crusty Trombone

What is Crusty Trombone?


a rusty trombone except the "mouthpiece" is exceptionally dirty

she was sure in for a surpise when i hadn't wiped in a few days, and she played the crusty trombone.

See hot karl


An act of love between two men, where one male ejactulates on the butthole/crack of the other after anal intercourse. The semen is then allowed to dry, after which a standard 'rusty trombone' is performed on the newly dried 'crusty' asshole.

After he reemed my cornhole, he gave me a nice crusty trombone which not only gave me phallic pleasure, but soothed my sore asshole.

See rusty trombone, boston pancake, blumpkin, hot karl, hot carl, pink sock


The act between 2 partners which includes buzzing in the male's rectumlike a mouthpiece while jacking him off.

Dude, this saucyho played the crusty trombone. Ive never felt music like that before!


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