Cruz Bustamante

What is Cruz Bustamante?


A hispanic Oompa Loompa. Cheap labor version of a Non-Hispanic,Republican Oompa Loompa.

A standard Oompa Loompa get's to actually "touch" the candy at the Wonka Factory. The Hispanic Oompa Loompa such as Cruz Bustamante, empties the trash and unclogs the shitters at the Wonka factory for the Non-Hispanic Oompa Loompas.


The opposite of a Blumpkin. Getting your salad tossed, a.k.a. ass eatin out, while taking a piss

I had to take a piss while I was bangin her in the bathroom, so I made her give me a Cruz Bustamante

See salad tossing, rim job, asshole, blow job, oral, sex, anal


fat fuck who takes special interest burrito contributions from Taco Bell.

That fat ass Bustamante is a good contender for tonight's burrito eating contest.


fat fuck who takes special interest campaign burritos from Taco Bell and El Torito

Fat fuck. Stop eating so many burritos

See beefcake


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