Crying Game

What is Crying Game?


(v.) To find out your girlfriend who you've had intercourse with used to be a man

(v.) To get a woman to undress herself only for her to reveal a penis.

Both definitions come from British Movie the crying game<see definition.

a: why so glum, chum?

B: Jenna told me that she is really a he

a: OMFG you got crying game'd


I was touching her up when I felt a lump, I pulled it out and there was a dick that was bigger than mine! I felt like I was in the crying game.

See Gumba Gumba


1. Bitching and complaining that only serves to annoy others.

2. Complaining about things when you have no motivation to actually change things that are within your ability to change.

3. A ploy used by bitter people to get sympathy.

4. Employees griping and complaining about trivial work related matters when there is little possibility (or good reason) for actual change.

5. People complaining about their be-with and whatever lame habits or peccadillos they happen to have.

The boss climbed up my ass 'cuz I was late today. My bus is always late.

I see you're playing the crying game again. Why don't you just pull your lame ass out of bed a few minutes earlier and catch an earlier bus?

See grievance, whining, bitching, moaning, annoy, trivial, 910


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