
What is Cry-laugh?


When you are laughing so hard that your eyes start to tear.

Diane told a hilarious joke and courtney started cry-laughing!

See funny, cry, laugh, smile, tear, joke


when someone is teary-eyed as though they are about to cry, but then laugh for some reason.

Made extremely popular ,comedically, from Lana Langin the TV show Smallville.

She must have cry-laughed 15 times on Smallville tonight.

See cry, laugh, smallville, funny, lana, lang


when someone is teary-eyed as though they are about to cry, but then laugh for some reason.

Made extremely popular ,comedically, from Lana Langin the TV show Smallville.

She must have cry-laughed 15 times during Smallville tonight.

See cry, laugh, smallville, lana, lang, funny


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