
What is Crymaxing?


An event in which an orgasm is so powerfully moving, that one, or both parties involved cries after climaxing.

Yeah, I used to have a thing with Tyler but I couldn't take the crymaxing any more so I told him I was lesbian.

See crymaxing, sex, crying, embarassing


This is when you cry just after you have climaxed during sex, as per the Scrubs episode when Carla confirms that Turk doing it freaked her out!

Carla- "I got freaked out when Turk cried after sex"

Turk- "BABY?!?"

J.D.- "It's ok to Crymax, Brown Bear"

Crymaxing is wierd, don't believe J.D.!!!!

See sex, climax, crymax, scrubs


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