Crypt Keeper

What is Crypt Keeper?


the hilarious, creepy, and all around cool host of "tales from the crypt"

The crypt keeper is the shiznit.

See crypt, keeper, tales, from, the, Adrian


After- dark booty call. Someone you would never be caught out with in puiblic by any of your friends because they are so ugly,nasty..etc..

"Did you see John sneaking over to Felicia's house last night?"

"Yeah I saw him, guess he don't want anyone to know he is fucking that crypt keeper!"

See hogbeast, fugly, grizzlie, nasty, hideous


the person who promises to pay money back and then makes every excuse in the book not to pay it back or to duck the situation.

paul, where is my money....

{paul]its in the mail, i swear on my life!

See Brian


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