
What is Crysturbate?


Masturbating and crying and the same time.

"Since Jack left all I do is crysturbate."

See masturbate, cry, sex, masturbating, crying


When you're sad and you masturbate

From overheard in New York,

Crysturbate! Girl: It's like, when you're sad and you masturbate!

See overheard, masturbate, cry, fetish, crysterbate, Buck


crying while one is masturbating

When I got home,I looked up my beautiful ex. When I started pleasing myself I also started crying, whispering "I love you" while I crysturbated.

See crying, masturbating


verb. the act of crying while sexually pleasuring one's self.

David loves to crysturbate to Zac Efron's chiseled abs and classical good looks.

See masturbate, cry, zac efron, shame, guilt


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