Csi: Miami

What is Csi: Miami?


A spin-off of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. CSI: Miami is one of the most unrealistic and poorly made crime dramas currently on television. David Caruso stars as Horatio Caine with absolutely no talent as an actor. Watching Caruso is like watching Dirty Harry play by the rules while taking Ritalin.

An excerpt of CSI: Miami:

Horatio Caine: Gentlemen, may I?

Lawyer: Be kind, Horatio.

Horatio Caine: As always. All right, now, Pedro, the gun we found in your room has tied you to two murders.

Lawyer: But possession doesn't make my client the killer.

Horatio Caine: We also have your skin cells on the tourniquet you used.

Lawyer: ALLEGEDLY used.

Horatio Caine: Allegedly used.

Horatio Caine: Now, are you going to rebut everything I'm saying?

Lawyer: Yes.

Horatio Caine: Excellent.

See david caruso, csi, miami


Horrible offshoot of the previously stellar CSI programme. Hilariously bad, features a skinny ginger guy as the primary protagonist. The only explanation one can accept for the fact that his wizened horrible face takes centre stage in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE is that he is one of the principal writers and must be constantly writing himself to the forefront of every single scene, perhaps to further the cause of ginger tossers world-wide.

See moley


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