
What is Csulled?


to have lied through your teeth to an extent that you actually become a joke to those listening. You maintain a level of seriouness, and insist its true, but those around you think you're a moron.

I was asked by the president to head a task force of ninjas into japan and kill bruce lee's family. Now you've all just been csulled.


To be full of one's self. To have one's head(ego) so large that it can not be extracted from one's ass.

Person A: I just fucked Paris Hilton and Hennifer Lopez at the same time. I made them orgasm like 10 times each. And then I drove off in the Ferrari that my billionaire uncle gave me for my birthday.

Person B: Dude, you just csulled. Quit csulling you csulling csull.

See Lateralus


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