
What is Ctcm?


CTCM stands for "Cool Tess Class Moment", a term coined by the glorious Mr. Cash. CTCM may also stand for "Crazy Tess Class Moment." Noun: a moment in class when Tesssays something completely random, such as "My brain told me to." or "My amoeba would like some chicken."

A CTCM in Math class, regarding imaginary/complex numbers:

Mr. Cash: "What is i^4?"

Tess: "1..."

Mr. Cash: "Good. Care to explain to the stupid people why that is?"

Tess: "uhhh..no."

Mr. Cash: "..."

Tess: "Uh my brain told me to?"

Mr. Cash: "Did you listen to it when it explained how?"

Tess: "No."

Mr. Cash: *goes on to pretend he is Tess' brain while speaking in a British accent.*


See ctcm, tess, class, random


CTCM stands for "Cool Tess Class Moment", a term coined by the glorious Mr. Cash. CTCM may also stand for "Crazy Tess Class Moment." Noun: a moment in class when Tesssays something completely random, such as "My brain told me to." or "My amoeba would like some chicken."

A CTCM in Math class, regarding imaginary/complex numbers:

Mr. Cash: "What is i^4?"

Tess: "1..."

Mr. Cash: "Good. Care to explain to the stupid people why that is?"

Tess: "uhhh..no."

Mr. Cash: "..."

Tess: "Uh my brain told me to?"

Mr. Cash: "Did you listen to it when it explained how?"

Tess: "No."

Mr. Cash: *goes on to pretend he is Tess' brain while speaking in a British accent.*


See ctcm, tess, class, random


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