
What is Ctrl+alt+del?


The keys u press when ur shitty windows computer fucks up and u need to restart.

My shitty windows computer fucked up fo the 5th time in 10 min.


The only way to fix Windows... Used to reset the computer and/or end programms running.

AHHHHH BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!! must press Ctrl+Alt+Del to save it!


A heavily over-rated webcomic. It used to be quite funny, but it lost it, it is now plagued by long winded story arcs, overexplained jokes and overly repetetive Copy-Pasted art. The comic however still seems the most popular on the web, most probably due to the relentless fanboys who foam at the mouth when you have the slightest critisizm for the damn comic. The forums are run by those fanboys so you can expect the results.

ctrl+alt+del was funny at first, but I don't know why people still read it, it's boring :/

See alt, del, cad, webcomic, tim, buckley


1. A combination of keys used in most Windows operating system to open the task manager, most notably used for closing programs which are for some reason difficult otherwise. Has other features that no one ever uses though.

2. A gaming webcomic created by Tim Buckley often with associated other webcomics such as 8-Bit Theater, Penny Arcade, and VG Cats. However, many consider it to be inferior to the forementioned webcomics due to the fact that it often steals jokes and ideas from them. It is also considered to be a lot more commercialistic than the others. Overall, it isn't too bad though.

1. After attempting to run Windows Media Player, Battlefield 2, Doom 3, and Norton Antivirus all at the same time, my computer 'asploded and I had to use Ctrl+Alt+Del to to put it out of its mysery.

2. All hail Ethan, king of Winter-een-mas!

See 8-bit theater, gaming, lan


The answer to most windows problems. Or so they say.

"shit computer! why won't you work! i'm gonna ctrl+alt+del your ass!"

"argh!! there's a pop-up and i don't know what it's saying! i'll ctrl+alt+del it, that'll sort the bugger out"

(after waiting 5 hours to get to a computer help line in southern asia)

"hey, i have this problem...."

"have you tried ctrl+alt+del?"

See windows, crash, shit, help


1: The key combination pressed when Windows fucks up (i.e: every 5 mins)

2: Probably the best web comic ever, drawn by Tim Buckley and about video games- goto ctrlaltdel-online

1:Fukkit, I guess I'd better ctrl+alt+del again

2:Go to ctrlaltdel-online or I'll kill you.


An excellent webcomic written and drawn by Tim Buckley. Consists of three main characters - Ethan, Lucas, and Lilah - who play computer games and get into wacky situations regularly. Also, there is the completely random Chef Brian who appears from time to time.

Come and check out today's Ctrl+Alt+Del comic!


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