
What is Cuncbag?


A word that so far has no meaning at all. Generally used as an insult similar to douchbag. The word is most commonly used on G4TV's Attack of the show and this is possibally where it originated.

Rocker1337: haha I killed you

Dude34: OMG! you are such a cuncbag!

See douchbag, bad, bag, g4tv


one of G4's Attack of the Show's bad words that can be uncensored as it is not a real bad word.

guy 1: you are a cuncbag

guy 2: i would get mad..but that isnt even a real insult

See cuncbag, bad, aots, g4, attack, of, the, show


another word for dickbag, balls, scrotum, or testicles.

"Stop being such a cuncbag!"

See cunkbag, cunk


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