Cunt Bubble

What is Cunt Bubble?


A swollen labial/vaginal area that that has the appearance of a small purple peach. This condition is usually caused by vaginal stimulation such as heavy rubbing, sucking or pumping. The outer labial folds can be increased in size by as much as 2 to 3 times the normal condition with the use of a vaginal/labial pump. The pumped labia will be hyper-sensitive and will come to resemble a small purple peach known as a Cunt Bubble.

The pussy pump inflated her cunt bubble until it looked like a small purple peach.

See cunt, bubble, pussy, pump, swollen, labia


A swollen labial/vaginal area that that has the appearance of a small purple peach. This condition is usually caused by vaginal stimulation such as heavy rubbing, sucking or pumping. The outer labial folds can be increased in size by as much as 2 to 3 times the normal condition with the use of a vaginal/labial pump. The pumped labia will be hyper-sensitive and will come to resemble a small purple peach known as a Cunt Bubble.

The pussy pump inflated her cunt bubble until it looked like a small purple peach.

See cunt, bubble, pussy, pump, swollen, labia


a large gush of sperm that comes out of the vagina in a buuble form shortly after ejactualtion. cousins with a snot bubble

See cassie


the bubble that may produce after a fart while sitting down. the air bubble travels to the vaginal area and typically creates a tickling sensation.


a very funny, very vulgar insult.

"Ah! I just got a cunt bubble, I hate those!"


"Shut the fuck up, cunt bubble!"


See: George Bush

h4x0r roxxor 1337 f4gg0t

fxgvsFXbghsDFgsdgsdfgdsfgZDgfzxcdgfsDf aESF SAE Fwear WQERF EW

See Qwert


a womens fart that when expelled with bum clenched comes in the form of a bubble that travels upward and enters the gash where it then requires squeezing of certain muscles to aid escape. tikka masala and fish!

martin i just did a cunt bubble

See cunt, bubble, fart, smell, fish


By analogy, a coarse insult

"Choke on that, cunt bubble!" said Paul Whicker, as he hit Dennis.


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