Cunt Cake

What is Cunt Cake?


On heavier girls, it is the protruding roll of fat just above the vagina. Also known as a "gunt".

You can really see your mom's cunt cakes in those stretch pants.

See gunt


When you bake a cake in the shape of a semi circle and cut out part of the middle, fill it with icing and put a tube of icing in a shape of a ripple like thingy so it looks like a ravashed bagina. put black licorish (no fucking clue how to spell it) and arrange over cake like pubes. Put cherries and cherrie juice in the opening and have a white buldge in the middle for the enourmous clit. Have sexless friend throw face first into cake to eat it out.

Happy birthday little virgin billy. we got you some hot dank vag for your birthday with some poontang on the side. Eat up unless you like da cock.... fag.... I sure love my cunt cake! YAYYYYY CUNT CAKE! The best cunt i ever had... and the only one you will ever have little billy! queer...

See bagina, cunt, cake, cunt cake, sex, vagina, twat, nigger, cherry, black, eating out, thunder cunt, cock juggling thunder cunt


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