Cunt Head

What is Cunt Head?


Derogatory Link-word, used to insult someone either in jest or with strong feelings.

"Hey, ya little cunt head"

"You're such a fucking cunt head at times"

See cunt, head, cunthead


Someone who can't get enough pussy. They could munch it all day long.

Man, that Troy is such a cunt head all he does is eat pussy.

See pussy lover


A derogatory term used to describe someone who's head you'd like to rip off. Someone who lets their kids down all the time. Someone so unreliable and false you'd like to skewer their eyeballs with hot knitting needles. A lying, moody, wannabe gangsta sack of shit.

Have you rung cunt head yet to see if he's having the kids?

See cunt, liar, gangsta, wannabe


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