Cunt Licker

What is Cunt Licker?


cunt licker a term that can be used in every situation of life. it is intended to be used as an insult but can also be another way of saying hey friend! cunt lickers are most oftenly horny bitches who get ass by licking chicks cunts. if you aren't a cunt licker already, you soon will be because some fat busted looking girl will say hey bitch let me spread my legs and you can lick my cunt!

Jes's boyfriend is a cunt licker because he licked her vagina and it was pretty skanky and hairy.

See vagina, wang sucker, dick, cock, labia, lain


Term used as an taunt/insult/dig towards a gay man, similar to saying "cock sucker" to a straight guy.

Gay Guy: "Hold on. I left the airplane tickets at home."

Other person: "WHAT?? You stupid mother fuckin' cunt licker!"*

*to which most gay men will respond, "You wish" if the person calling them a cunt licker is a woman.

See cuntlicker, kitty licker, pussy muncher, clit licker


Derogatory term for a (very) small dog.

It's often older women who like those cunt licker dogs.

See dog, rat, cuntlicker, women, cunt-licker, maltese, small dog, dirty dog, smelly dog


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