Cunt Meat

What is Cunt Meat?


(n.) The tissue extracted from the vagina when a woman undergoes a D&C (dilation and curettage) procedure. The cervix is first dilated and the uterine wall is then scraped.

Cunt meat can be rare, medium rare, medium well-done to well-done. Cunt meat is a delicacy to many physicians and their partners, who secretly chow down on human body parts and tissues. Cunt meat must be refrigerated immediately after extraction, or it will become rotten and will stink like rotting flesh.

Doctor: "Say, nurse, how much cunt meat did we have on our last case?"

Nurse: "About 10 kilos, doctor."

Doctor: "Great. Good job, everyone. I'm throwing a party at my place for this entire department. We'll have some wonderful barbecued cunt meat to dine on!"

See cuntosis, cuntitis, barf meat, muffcheese


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