Cunt Punt

What is Cunt Punt?



the swift act of kicking a female in the crotch with enough force that the foot actually gets lodged in the cunt.

"Bitch, if you sleep with my man again, i will cunt punt you so hard they will have to dislodge my toenails from the roof of your mouth!"

See ass kicking, revenge, e-mo


To strike a woman in the cunt so as to sufficiently bruise her babymaker. This may result in a toe fuck.

Yo, next time I see that slut i'm goin to cunt punt the shit out of her.

See cunt, punt, baby, slut, woman


When a guy kicks the cunt as if punting a football (or just kicking). Getting the female back for punting him in the balls.

"dude, you got kicked in the nuts, even the playing feild and cunt punt her ass."

See cunt, punt, balls, kick, nuts


To kick a female in the Vagina

"hey Jana...Cunt Punt!"

"Oh my god!"

See cunt, vagina, punt, kick, cock block


A cunt punt is exactly how it sounds. Sort of like a nut kick for a guy. Punt the vagina as you would a football. Cunt Punt.

Girl, let me tell you, that bitch needs a cunt punt.

See vagina, cunt, slut, bitch, kick, beat, pussy, kunt


A swift kick to the female genital region launching the recipient into midair.

That girl was such a bitch I cunt punted her like no other!

See punt, kick, launch, beat, pk


the act of kicking a female in the cunt due to being very angry at them or for laughs.

Dude my cousin ate my food I had in the fridge so I cunt punted her.

See cunt, vagina, punt, kick, lol


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