Cunt Shunt

What is Cunt Shunt?


The female equivalent of the popular term cock block.

1. (n) Any person who interferes with a woman attempting to initiate intercourse, have sex, or get laid.

2. (v) An action that prevents a woman from so scoring.

1. Kimberly was about to seal the deal when her cunt shunt of a roommate reminded her about her appointment at Planned Parenthood.

2. Alex totally cunt shunted Andi when he burst in on her and her date about to get it on.

See cunt, shunt, cock, block, cock block, cockblock, cuntblock


The female equivalent of the popular term cock block.

1. (n) Any person who interferes with a woman attempting to initiate intercourse, have sex, or get laid.

2. (v) An action that prevents a woman from so scoring.

1. Kimberly was about to seal the deal when her cunt shunt of a roommate reminded her about her appointment at Planned Parenthood.

2. Andrew totally cunt shunted Andi when he burst in on her and her date about to get it on.

See cock block, cockblock, cock, cunt, shunt, tease


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