Cunt Stunt

What is Cunt Stunt?


When a woman becomes a raging bitch in order to get her way.

The girl working at the register wasn't going to give my wife the sale price until she pulled a cunt stunt with everyone watching.

See bitch, pms, raging, woman, cunty


when someone behaves with the intention of being a cunt.

'I cant believe he dumped you on the day your mother died, thats a total cunt stunt'

See Identity


when a girl prevents another girl from scoring in the sexual way.

Jenny just pulled a cuntstunt on Caitlin. Caitlin was just about to score some Jeremy action when Jenny flashed her twat in Jeremy's face.


When women perform stunts with their cunts.

After shooting ping pong balls from her hole, Helen's next cunt stunt involved sitting on an open bottle and picking it up off the bar.

See dick tricks, stunts, party favors, Fav


The female equivalent of a Cock Block. When a female interferes, either intentionally or accidentally, with the chances of another female scoring some dick.

"Jenny! What the fuck? YOU SPILT A DRINK ON ME! I was totally about to get some dick off of this guy! Ultimate Cunt Stunt."

See cunt, stunt, cunting, stunting, cockblock, cockblocking


Unbelievable feats preformed with ones vagina as heard and seen on the dirty twig show.

Big red preformed one one hell of a cunt stunt on the dirty twig show.

See cunt, stunt, red snapper


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