Cunt Wrangler

What is Cunt Wrangler?


A middleman who serves as an intermediary between a prostitute and a man, woman, couple or group desiring sex; a procurer; a pimp.

"They say Snoop Dogg wuz a cunt wrangler before he crack the music industry."

"Say what?"

"He deal in crack before rap!"

See easy rider, gentleman of leisure, mack, pimp, pimp daddy


this is a definition for a player.

the cunt wrangler is so elite in picking up biatches that he is not int he status "wrangler of the cunt" hes such a player that he can wrangler them. similar to that a man will wrangle sharks or bulls...this man will wrangle any pussy

she was hot, ur such a cunt wrangler

See pussy, player, man whore, cunt, wrangler


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