
What is Cuntasaurus?


A female girlfriend who's constant nagging is unbearable.

I can't stand Sheila, shes a cuntasaurus


A person who is full of menace, growling, snarling, foaming at the mouth, bearing its huge jagged fangs that will rip the heads and limbs from anyone or anything that gets too close.


1. A vagina that is loose 2. A variation of a promiscuous woman who's vagina may intimidate you 3. A womans vagina, that you fear will eat you 4. A woman carrying a std or sti (Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection)

1. Hey tony look at that girl, Cuntasaurus

2. I was fooling around with sarah and man I swear Cuntasaurus

See cunt, sex, fuck, cuntasaurus, slut


a very large/angry vagina

john - "i banged the sheela on the weekend man"

barry - "true"

john - "yeah she had definate cuntasaurus, and i thought they were extinct"

See cunt, c-bomb, vagina, mutt


A New Jersey band who throws together last minute songs about stupid shit.

"Wow, dude, did you see Cuntasaurus last night?"

"Yeah man, they sucked."

"I know, right?"

See bands, new jersey, suck, cunt, sex


A word originating from the Aborigine tribes of Western Samoa, it is now commonly used at high powered business meetings in the Maltese capital of Valetta

That American over there is a Cuntasaurus

See Adam


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