What is Cup-caking?
adjective: a word used to describe the act of talking on the phone with a significant other with romantic or affectionate content, usually with funny cute nick names or words.
"I love you too my cute lil smootsy poo!"
"Hey, Josh, quit cup-caking and get back to work!"
When good friends get together, go to Wal-Mart at 11:30pm to buy the mix & sprinkles, decorate them all pretty-ful, write on post cards silly notes like "We were going to TP your house, but we decided to cup-cake you instead, ENJOY!", leaving them on people's door steps, ringing the doorbell, and hauling ass. Hiding behind a bush/trash can/underneath a car is always the best part of cup-caking. The reactions of the neighbors is also a delight! Will they eat it? Throw it and try to find the asshole teenagers commiting random acts of kindness? The intensity is overwhelming.
"My friends and I went cup-caking last night"
"Is that where a midget eats out a porn star?"
"No it's when good friends get together, go to wal- etc, etc."
When a midget eats out a woman, especially a porn star. It is called cup caking because actual cup cakes are small cakes, and cup caking is a small person having a sweet snack.
Midget:Wow, who ever came up with cup-caking is a genius
A really hot girl into midgets:you're tellin me...