Curly Wurlitzer

What is Curly Wurlitzer?


A lady's principal ORGAN of pleasure.


For solace during the lonely nights, Shirley's fingers rarely strayed from her CURLY WURLITZER, continually tuning the clamorous instrument and adjusting its CHAPEL PEG until merciful sleep at last claimed her.

While flexing the FENELLAS and enjoying her own FOURPLAY, she longed for the natural sequel of PERCENGENITATION, recalling the many occasions when she had been satisfactorily CHAUCERED. If a burglar had suddenly appeared in the boudoir, she would have fearlessly pinned him to the bed and DORISSED him, swallowing his MEAT RATIONand both potatoes in the bearded BOCCA which had been hungrily CHEWING THE COTTON.

In the lonely days which followed, she found that a large PANTRY APPLIANCE, aptly fitted to her FRINTON and CLACTON was indispensable in assuaging the feelings of PRE-MINSTREL TENSION.

Her feet frequently led her to the kitchen where, as a reborn SPIN-CYCLIST, she performed an endlessly-repeated TWO-MINUTE TANGO, partnered by her old friend the washing-machine.

Sipping a glass of GLEN SPORRAN and watching television brought little relaxation or relief. A succession of programmes seemed to feature the lives of CRUSTACEANs and PHEASANT-PLUCKERs; and as she sat in her nervous CHAIRWOMAN position, a restless AUDREY and JACKIE, in perpetual motion, kept her SPAM-GARTERdamp with BEAVER-SPIT from the overflowing CHALICE and simmering SMELTER.

A peaceful stroll in the garden similarly failed to calm her as, feverishly contemplating the depleted rhubarb-patch, she inevitably engaged in compulsive CARROTTING.

However, her SHERPA's intuition comforted her with the thought that eventually her very own BANANA-BOATMAN, equipped with CONNOLLY and CHINOOK, would return to CANARY WHARF, to attend to her FRONTAGE and reinvigorate the neglected country PROPERTY.

See cloppertune, doing the necessary, Persson


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