
What is Curn?


A term used in spam emails in place of "cum". It is used because it visually looks like the word "cum", but it isn't caught by most spam filters.

To: undisclosed recipients

Subject: Curn like a porn star.

-------- or ---------

To: undisclosed recipients

Subject: Your girlfriend says you curn to quickly

See cum, come, spew, jizz, squirt, email, spam, filter


To cut with a burning hot blade.

Blade is often an orange/yellow shade for short period of time for proper curning.

"I'll curn you!"

See cut, blade, burn, curn, hot


a drunken term for a sharp curve in the road (half a curve half a turn)

"Look out you're coming up to a curn"

See curve, turn, curved, turned


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