What is Cut A Fat Hog In The Ass?


def: to try to take an easier path to a goal with predictably unfortunate consequences.

The idiot tried to cut a fat hog in the ass when he drove through that parking lot to avoid the signal and ran right into the side of a car backing out of a spot.

See murphys law, Kirkwood


Etymology: Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with vehicles.

The term originated in the Ozarks, and originally derived from when a man would slaughter a hog and discover a (surprisingly) thick layer of fat (or lard) between the meat and skin, which would then be able to be rendered off and used in cooking throughout the coming year.

When a person was to have something that comes into their favor they were to say that “they cut a fat hog in the ass”.

Common definitions:

1. To have a monetary gain.

2. To have something beneficial occur in their favor.

3. To have a raucous time.

1. I sure cut a fat hog in the ass when I bet on that 30-1 horse and won!

2. I can't believe that Whitney agreed to go out with me, I sure cut a fat hog in the ass this time!

3. I feel like crap today, but man did we cut a fat hog in the ass last night!

See profit, luck, fortune, party.


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