
What is Cutch?


Welsh coloqueilism for snuggling up. To relax without doing anything

we cutched up all day in front of the telly

I could really do with a cutch

See hug, cuddle, snuggle, chill, relax, Gonk


1. n. a period of time that feels like an extended hug. Often involving tea, blankets and telly.

2. v. to cutch ie to spend time in a state of hug.

A cutch can stop a fettle being a bad thing.

Waster: Aaah man I'm ruined. I think I'm gonna get a fettle on the go.

Saviour:Don't sweat it, lady. I feel the need for a cutch.


A Cutch can be described as that little annoying munchkin that appears now and then in you worst nightmares. This type of Cutch is a shit-disturber at most and should be approached with extreme caution.

Anthony: that Mike M is a real shit-disturber,

Greg: better call him Cutch

Anthony: good Idea

Mike M: hey guys


See annoying, joker, computer-nerd


A mixture of a Cunt and Bitch.

She's a fucking cutch.

See cunt, bitch, douchebag, asshole, dike



I'm jus gonna go cutch at my yard.


cutch is the combinatory term of "cunt bitch"

extremely derogative and offensive, only to be used in extreme circumstances

"dude your mom is such a cutch."

"my ex-girlfriend won't get off my back, i'm so sick of that dumb cutch."

See cutch, cunt, bitch, ho, slut


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