Cute Gurl V2.0

What is Cute Gurl V2.0?


One of the 13 common personality types in internet forums as defined by Rich "Lowtax" Kyankaof Something Awful. The 13 common personality types are:

1. Clueless Newbie

2. Flamethrower Clone

3. Computer Expert

4. The Mensa Troll

5. Mr Agressive

6. Cute Girl v2.0

7. Ravey Davey

8. The Sensitive Artist

9. Mr. "I Know a Game Developer"

10. The Elite, Highly Advanced Forum Regular With 15 Million Posts

11. Doctor Conspiracy / Man With a Grudge

12. Anime-Obssessed Freak

13. Derek Smart

Cute Girl v2.0 types are generally girls fourteen years of age or younger who are too naive to realize how ridiculous they sound. They often use deliberately mispelled words like urand wutand they have a habit of using lolat least 2 times a sentence. They also at least one anime smiley per sentence. Favorite subjects include cute fuzzy things and their boyfriends.

Cute Gurl v2.0: "do the cars come in red??? thats my boyfriends color and weve been going out for 2 months now hes so cute his names Jeremy and he likes Slipknot!!! thx bye!!! :o)"

See Deus Ex Machina


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