What is Cutie Bear Armed Forces?


1)- Childishly adorable.

2)- Nick name for some children.

3)- Sometimes a nick name for pussys who've been raised all their life with total OVER KILL in positive reinforcement.

As an end result is a grown male of low intelligence who talks in a high voice and acts like a little bitch. Often playing on another persons pity in order to survive.

The real tragedy is when seeking to be a big boy they join the army in a soft skill MOS. Make it through co-ed basic and then reclass as combat arms and deploy to Iraq with other people counting on him to watch their fucking six.

-----------Notable traits--------

-Quits when things get physically challenging(Even in combat

-Often bends facts afterward to paint self in positive light

-NEEDS the army. The army plays the role of full time baby-sitter for some adult men.

-Generally stupid, lacks common sense. Often asks and reasks rhetorical questions and informs leaders of information of nugatory nature. By doing so makes himself feel important by interacting with those of higher rank and through derisive logic regards himself superior to other lower enlisted.

1)PFC Lester is in the army but still does childish things

Thats why I always call him cutie bear (Armed forces)


-Wets the bed

-Talks about being a ranger, pilot,ninja

Magic abilites, Space journeys ect.

-Freezes under fire

-Plays D&D

-Proudly wears CIB and braggs about it



2) cutie bear (Armed Forces) got his sweet little balls pinched for fucking up again.

See white trash, retard, loser, fucktard, douche bag, incompetence, west virginian


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