
What is Cutiful?


(adj.) The perfect combination of cute and beautiful. Only applied to those who have these qualities in excess.

The blonde I met was hella cute and dressed to impress; she definitely has cutiful status.


I thought my boyfriend made this word up to describe me, but I guess its been done before! It is the physical state of being both adorably cute and very beautiful at the same time. Mainly used to describe girls, but could be used for both sexes.

You're so pretty, and adorable, I don't know what to call you. I know! You're cutiful!

See boyfriend, love, cute, beautiful, josh, gabby


pronounced cute-afull, meaning cute and beautiful

Random Dude: Hey baby, your looking cutiful

You: *giggles* so are you

See cute, beauty, beautiful, random, hahah


Better than cute, but not quite beautiful. Used mostly to describe the female race, not intended for males.

My girlfriend, Monica, is cutiful.

See cute, beautiful, pretty, attractive, gorgeous


Dylan and I thought of this just to show much we feel about each other. Its a mix of cute and beautiful

You're so cutiful and i love you!!!

See beautiful, cute, dylan, lizzi, love


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