
What is Cutter?


One who cuts themselves to releive themselves from an emotional pain.

Cutting is not something one advertises, and when someone does cut they are generally ashamed and hide it as well as they can.

Can be done with any sharp object, such as, but not limited to, knives, razors, broken glass, broken cd's, scissors, and safety pins.

SomeGirl: OMG, I adore Emily, she is *sooo* sweet!!!

AnotherGirl: Yea...I spied on her in the shower and she had slashes all over her thighs... she so cuts herself...


An often, but not always, derogatory term for someone who practices self-injury (also known as self-harm and self-mutilation) by scratching or cutting his or her skin with a sharp object.

It is usually a symptom of mental illness.

The vast majority of self-injurers hurt themselves out of negative emotions, including, but not limited to, anger, self-hatred, depression, or numbness; they also try to hide the cuts with clothing, jewelry, or make-up. Some misled persons cut themselves for attention, or to make themselves look cool, which warrants pity, not scorn. Some fit into both categories. Cutters who do not hide their injuries do not necessarily fit into the latter group; they have often given up trying to hide it, or regard it as something that should not be hidden, either because it is a valid "lifestyle choice" or because they are not ashamed of their pain, even though they want to stop.

Cutting and other forms of self-injury, such as burning, eating disorders*, banging, and hair-pulling, can be a coping mechanism for many. It is NOT a suicide attempt, and some suicidal people hurt themselves so that they can cope with their emotions and _avoid_ suicide.

Cutters can not be categorized by age, gender, appearance, or clique. Some self-injurers have been doing it as long as they can remember, i.e. as toddlers, and there are cutters who are in their thirties and probably older. They are male and female. They are preps, nerds, skaters, goths, punks, and any other label you can think of. They are parents, small children, and yes, teenagers.

*This is not to say that all people with eating disorders should be regarded as self-injurers, only that there is some overlap between the two groups.

Previous urban dictionary contributor: Cutters are also easily recognized by their poorly dyed hair, or oversized JNCO style jeans. Most basically, cutters are the urban and suburban equivalent of rural white trash, in that they invariably come from families with low education and or income.

Me: You don't know what you're talking about.


I'm totally shocked by the number of people who find it neccessary to critisize and make fun of cutters. Cutting is a seriuos issue and is no more worty of being made fun of than any other illnesses (down syndrome, diabetes, mental retardation). Cutting is often a sign of bigger issues that need immediate attention, such as depression, anxiety, dissociative disorders, ect. The strange thing about human psychology is that there are no set rules. Everyone is different and expresses themselves in their own way. You don't have to have the worste past in the world to be depressed. Depression is a chemical disorder in your brain that can be passed down geneticly. Just because your parents are rich or not divorced doesn't mean that you cannot have depression. In my experiances depression is triggered by life events that overwhelm the affected person. A death in the family may not bother some as much as it does others. There is no chart to say how sad you should be for each of lifes events, and no way of avoiding your genetic past. Also, the sterotype of mostly girls commiting SI is obsurd. Males are just as likely to SI as females. Maybe they dont seek help like females or do it in different ways (punching walls, knowingly doing dangerous things, ect.).

Athough I will admit that in the large numbers of people in the world it has to be true that some peope cut just for attention. These people can usually be uncovered by listening to them talk. Most cutters tell only the people closest to them (spouse, close friend ect.). Attention seekers would have to let almost everyone they know about thier actions in order to recieve the attention desired. Althought I'm sure there are people who are just tired of hiding thier actions, and decide that they don't care who finds out and judges them, but that doesn't mean they will advertise their affliction. It would become increasing difficult to hide the longer you cut since you will eventually run out of space on your commonly covered skin.

I had the perfect childhood, parents were supportive and married, but am still somehow unexplainably sad, bitter and my glass is half empty. Being a cutter helps releive my stress and anger.


My mom left when I was 3 and my dad beat me, but I adapted and overcame those obsitcles and am now a stronger person. I would never imagine harming myself.

See cutter, disturbed, crazy, depression, depressed


Hey all you fucktards out there! Seriously, cutting is a big thing if its for real. A cutter is someone who is going through too too much and has no way to deal with it, so they take it into their own hands. Or they've done so much and been through so much that they've numbed themselves to the pain. They feel dead. They're like walking shells of people, and they cut to see the blood and feel the pain that means they are ALIVE. Trust me...was one for a few years. Not the best way to cope, but some have no choice.

Heres your bloody definition

Cutter - someone who cuts themselves to relieve emotional pain.

When my aunt died 4/17/05 and I was coerced into sex with a boy who was 16 and I was 13. When huffing no longer took the pain away, nor did drinking, I started cutting and became anorexic. I was a cutter.

See anorexic, cutting, disturbed, self harm, self mutilation


A person, most commonly a girl in their teens, who has been through so much in their lives that crying (or sometimes they just can't cry)or any other form of emotional release becomes inefficient, therefore they resort to self-injury (aka self-mutilation, self-harm), but not intended to be a form of suicide. Self-injury is usually a sign of a serious mental disorder such as depression or bipolar, and caused from traumatic events such as death, sexual or verbal abuse, or low self-esteem.

Usually, proof of this behavior is well-hidden by wearing long sleeves and pants. Most self-injurers do not advertise their injuries. There is a such thing as 'attention cutters', or people who injure themselves just so others will feel sorry for them. Attention cutters usually purposely talk about their actions and make it seem almost like something they're proud of.

Cutters are often given the label of emo or goth, only because people are too ignorant to see that these people actually have pretty messed up lives. These stereotypes usually push these kids to want to hurt themselves more severely, thus those who have such narrow-minded views on cutters should shut their mouths and care about their own sorry lives.

"I hear she used to be a cutter, but since her family intervened, she's been to a counselor and is now on anti-depressants."

Stereotyped View: "Look at her over there, you can just tell she's a cutter because she has no friends and listens to emo music and wears black makeup."

See self-injury, self-mutilation, self-harm, emo, goth


a cutter is generally a person that has problems and has no other way of expressing it other then cutting themselves. not only on the arms but on the legs, shoulders, stomaches, for girls, breast area, and anywhere else they can possibly think of. although some people do cut for the attention of others, those people do not try to cover what they have done because they want people to notice that they are "troubled". real cutters cover what they have done because it is their way of dealing with the problem/problems they have.

my uncle died in april. my dad started to get abusive. my parents got a speration. i started cutting. because getting high, smoking and drinking did nothing to me anymore. after awhile niether did cutting i didnt feel anything. my mom found my razor in my secert place i went to the hospital and rehab i dont do it anymore. but i was once a cutter.

See cutting, cut, cutters, 2006, pain, emotion


One that cuts themselves or harms themselves in any way. Usaully to express emotion pain. "NORMALY" cutters will hide their scars as well as possible. There are some who cut simply for attention and disply their scars. NOT ALL CUTTERS THAT DONT HIDE THEIR SCARS ARE ATTENTION CUTTERS. Some cutters beleive that cuting is their escape and they shouldnt have to hide it. If you know someone cuts, dont nag that person to stop or taunt them. This will lead to more self injury.

Brad- "Did you see his arms?"

Tony- "Yeah I did."

Brad- "He's a cutter."

Tony- "I wonder why."

Brad- "Dude, everyone picks on him."

Tony- "Poor dude."

See cutting, cutter, self harm, emo


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