
What is Cut-throat?


a person or persons who's whole life revolves around procuring, hooking buddies up with, and drinking Kronik energy drink with other people they perceive as cut-throat, and fiercely verbally berating people who they perceive as not cut-throat when the non-cut-throat tries to drink Kronik

--other variations--

cut-throat niggha

Example 1: "You see that guy over there drinking his Kronik, yeah that's what a real cut-throat niggha looks like.

Example 2: "Hey, you a cut-throat, hook me up with some chronic

See bros, the game, yellow submarine, kronik, breece


a girl that has a bangin body but her face is shity.....can also use C.T.

Yo, she's a cut-throat, but i'd still do her!


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